

Pratt DS, Kaplan MM., Evaluation of abnormal liver-enzyme results in asymptomatic patients., N Engl J Med. 2000 Apr 27;342(17):1266-71.

Both enzymes are released into the blood in increasing amounts when the liver cell membrane is damaged. Necrosis of liver cells is not required for the release of the aminotransferases. In fact, there is poor correlation between the degree of liver-cell damage and the level of the aminotransferases.

"Both enzymes"とはAminotransferase、つまりASTおよびALTのこと。肝細胞障害の程度をあらわすが、肝細胞膜のダメージだけで、必ずしも肝細胞壊死を伴わなくてもAST/ALTは上昇する。